- Christmas 2058 items
- Christmas Cards 279 items
- Christmas Decor 187 items
- Christmas Wrapping Paper & Accessories 682 items
- Christmas Under $5 115 items
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- Christmas Themed Gifts 146 items
- Christmas Kitchen 92 items
- Christmas Ornaments 142 items
- Christmas Stationery 882 items
- Christmas Treat Holders 45 items
- From Santa Letter 1 item
- Stocking Stuffers 130 items
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Gifts That Bring Joy
Celebrating Christmas traditions is easy at Current
Shop Current Catalog's cheery selection of unique Christmas gifts, décor, greeting cards and more! Christmas is truly the best time of the year to show your friends and family that you care. Why not send them a personalized Christmas card? This thoughtful greeting will bring joy to their lives and get them in the Christmas spirit.
Don't forget to deck the halls! Festive Christmas décor adds warmth to the inside and outside of your home during the winter. Current offers hundreds of unique Christmas gifts, from personalized ornaments to inexpensive stocking stuffers.
For the Christmas cook, our line of Christmas treat holders is unmatched. Find fun felt treat bags for wrapped goodies, gable boxes for baked goods, and even personalized canning labels for a complete package.
Complete your gifts with our dazzling Christmas gift wrap. Our unmatched selection of peek-proof Christmas wrapping paper makes it easy to find the look you want under the tree. Find matching Christmas bows, tissue, gift tags and more for an extra special touch.