Nature's Wishes Faith Birthday Cards
Wish recipients the best birthday ever with these amazing photographic cards depicting sand, sea, sky, and the green leaves of nature. Includes white envelopes 5" x 7". Printed in the USA.
Set of 8 (2 each of 4 designs)
Card Sentiments:
1. Front: Today... you're the star of the show!
  Inside: Wishing you the best birthday ever!
  Scripture: The blessing of the Lord be upon you.
  PSALM 129:8 KJV
2. Front: Hope your birthday is bright with love and laughter
  Inside: Enjoy your day!
  Scripture: Praise the Lord for His goodness, and for
  His wonderful works. PSALM 107:8 KJV
3. Front: Wishing you a year filled...
  Inside: with dreams that come true. Happy Birthday
  Scripture: The God of love and peace shall be with you.
4. Front: May every day in the year to come...
  Inside: hold wonderful things for you. Happy Birthday
  Scripture: God saw every thing that He had made and
  behold it was very good. GENESIS 1:31 KJV