Giving Thanks Deluxe Thanksgiving Cards
2 or more: save $1 per set
With a Grateful Heart we send these classically illustrated deluxe foil Thanksgiving cards. 5" x 7"; 2 each of 4 designs. Comes with envelopes. Printed in the USA.
Set of 8
Card Sentiments:
1. Front: Friends AND Family Love AND Laughter
  Heart AND Home
   Inside: Wishing you a Thanksgiving full of all the
  happiness your heart can hold.
2. Front: Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart.
   Inside: Giving thanks for the beauty of autumn
  and the special gift of you.
3. Front: Happy Thanksgiving
   Inside: Thinking of you with a happy, thankful
  heart! Happy Thanksgiving
4. Front: For SOMEONE special at Thanksgiving
   Inside: Thinking of you today and counting you
  among the blessings of the season.