All the Moms Mother's Day Cards
Mother's Day cards are 5" x 7" and come with envelopes. Printed in the USA.
Set of 8 (2 each of 4 designs)
Card Sentiments:
1. Front: For a Wonderful Mom With all the special ways
  you show the world that you care...
  Inside: No wonder you are loved so much!
  Have a Beautiful Mother’s Day
2. Front: It's Mother's Day!
   Inside: Wishing you the cheeriest, the merriest, and
  funniest, the brightest, best and sunniest of all days
  ever made! Happy Mother’s Day, with Bunches of Love
3. Front: Happy Mother's Day to an AMAZING Mom
  Inside: You make the world a better place and deserve
  all the happiness in the world. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day
4. Front: Happy Mother's Day
  Inside: Sending lots of love and joy on this special day!
  May your day be as beautiful as you are!